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1. MAO-TSE-TUNG New Democracy and National Culture – Dr. Ravinder Reddy
2. PANDIT JAWAHARLAL NEHRU: Architect of Indian Democracy – Ashok s Anikivi
3. Religious Terrorism in 21st Century– Ashima Sahni
4. Role of Media in Creating Awarness and in Developmental Process – Moromee Maibangsa
5. Media, Politics and Responsive Adminitration – Dhanpal Singh
6. राजधर्म पर भारी धर्म , जाति के आधार पर राजनीति – विनोद कुमार * सुनीता रानी **
7. महिला नेतृत्व आवर पंचायतीराज – अश्वनी